
What can we do for you?

We want to be your constant point of contact for all security issues that you and many others have to face in everyday life.

If you need help in a topic that is not listed on our website, you are still welcome to contact us. This can be an in-house developed protocol, a control unit or a completely new technology.

You want an independent third-party opinion on your current security measures or a new product before you invest? Maybe you just need a quick piece of advice on which encryption algorithms are still secure these days?

A short email to [email protected] is enough and we will solve your problem together.

What can we do for you?
What are you waiting for?

The reasons for a consultation can be as diverse as your IT projects.

A third-party opinion with a new perspective is often very valuable and can reveal problems that were not previously considered. This is especially true when a new process or product is about to be established and you need an independent opinion on it.

Lutra stands by your team and supports you in the best possible way.

What are you waiting for?

Course of a consultation

  • Initial meeting

    During an initial interview, your questions will be discussed. In doing so, we decide in a result-oriented manner how we can help you in the most meaningful way.

  • Consultation

    The actual consultation can be very individual: from a few hours to several months, tailored to your needs.

  • Availability

    During an active consulting activity, a permanent contact person is available to you, who you can contact at short notice for all questions.

  • Outcome

    In contrast to our other services, usually no explicit final report is prepared at the end of a consultation.

Follow-up and closure

At the end of the consultation, your initial questions have been clarified and we have given you a strategy for your path into the future. However, this does not necessarily mean the end of our cooperation.

Should you face new challenges along the way, we are still just a mail or call away.

Of course we are also happy if we can support you with one of our other services.

We have gained a very broad knowledge and a lot of experience with a wide variety of systems, from alarm systems to MQTT or z/OS.

So feel free to contact us!

We are working on a white paper on this topic. In the meantime, we appreciate your mail :)

Even we have not yet seen or tested every IT system. Everyday systems for you can also be new territory for us.

However, since almost all concepts and problems can be transferred one-to-one, we can usually quickly familiarize ourselves with new systems and advise you accordingly.

Get in touch

Curious? Any more questions? Call us, write a mail or book a meeting with one of our consultants right away!


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